Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS & SIBO) Specialist

LA Digestive Health and Wellness
Marc David Makhani, MD
Gastroenterologist located in Cedars-Sinai Medical Towers, Los Angeles, CA
In the United States, approximately 10-15% of the population suffers from irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and is the most common disease diagnosed by gastroenterologists. Dr. Makhani offers top-of-the-line treatment options to help men and women eliminate daily discomfort and manage their symptoms. At LA Digestive Health and Wellness, Dr. Makhani provides treatment plans to patients suffering from irritable bowel syndrome, also referred to as IBS, at his office in the Cedars-Sinai Medical Towers in Los Angeles, CA.
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS & SIBO) Q & A
What is Irritable Bowel Syndrome?
IBS is a gastrointestinal condition caused by changes in function of the lower GI tract. Individuals with IBS may experience symptoms such as abdominal pain, constipation, or diarrhea.
How is Irritable Bowel Syndrome treated?
At this time, there is no cure for IBS however Dr. Makhani provides his patients with several ways that it can be treated. Some of the treatment methods that Dr. Makhani recommends are avoiding trigger foods and making lifestyle changes such as adding an exercise program to your daily routine, along with quitting smoking. To find relief from some IBS, Dr. Makhani may prescribe certain medications depending on the patient's symptoms.
What causes irritable bowel syndrome?
Bowel contractions in people with IBS are different in comparison to people who do not have the disorder, but the specific cause of IBS is unknown. Some experts hypothesize that nerve pathway abnormalities that serve the gastrointestinal tract may play a role in IBS. When the signals along these pathways don't flow normally or are disrupted, nerves can overreact to normal motions and signals which may result in constipation, diarrhea, discomfort or pain
Are some people more at risk for IBS than others?
IBS has been associated with several risk factors, including:
• chronic depression or anxiety
• People in their teens through their forties
• female gender (approximately twice as many females as men have the condition)
• family history of IBS, which may be related to genetic factors or environmental exposures common to multiple family member